SmartFCA is divided into five workpackages:
• WP1
Foundational support for a library of FCA algorithms
- Design of a library of FCA algorithmic and interoperable components
- Design of pattern structure components for complex data
- Study of FCA extensions, pattern structures and related formalisms (subgroup discovery, exceptional model mining)
• WP2
(resp. F. Le Ber, S. Ferré)
Foundations, algorithms and methodology of relational extensions of FCA
- Study of complementary approaches (RCA and Graph-FCA)
- Design of new integrated approaches unifying Pattern Structures and the relational paradigm
- Algorithms and Design of an interface for guiding domain experts with Graph-FCA, RCA, and Pattern Structures
• WP3
Centralizing platform (micro-services architecture, REST-ful APIs, standalone applications, online applications)
- Design of a global architecture and data exchange formats
- Atomic services for data access and FCA calculation
- Services developed in WP1, WP2 and WP4
- Facilitate the building of web and standalone applications
• WP4
(resp. M. Kaytoue, P. Martin)
Use cases
The variety of partner use cases serves as the experimental ground for designing the steps and the procedures supporting a common methodology.
• WP5
Project supervision, management and dissemination.
As a community structuring project, SmartFCA regularly invites researchers of the field to give lectures during the project meetings:
- Giacomo Kahn (Et si on regardait nos structures préférées avec une lentille géométrique ?)
Simon Vilmin (E-base, générateurs critiques et bases minimums)
- Jessie Galasso (Explorer la variabilité d’artefacts logiciels complexes avec les structures de patterns)
- Jérôme Euzenat (Pourquoi la RCA n’est pas une simple variante de la FCA)
Simon Vilmin (A propos de la D-base d’un système de fermeture)
- Stefania Boffa (A proposal to extend RelationalConcept Analysis with fuzzy scaling quantifiers)
The project members are active in the conferences and workshops of the field: